OUtdoor Activity

It's Time to Start Your Adventures

“Let Nature be your teacher.” ~ William Wordsworth

Why Outdoor Adventure

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” ~John Lubbock 

土地天空,树林田野,湖泊河流,山川大海,是最优秀的教师,能教给我们的知识远超书本。- 第一代埃夫伯里男爵约翰·卢伯克

Don’t just tell your children about the world, show them. They’re not just playing in nature, they are: Learning, creating, sensing, believing, relaxing, exploring, observing, wondering, connecting, discovering, appreciating, understanding, experimenting… ~ Penny Whitehouse

Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives. ~Thomas Berry

Anything you teach in an indoor classroom can be taught outdoors, often in ways that are more enjoyable for children. – Cathy James

All children need nature. Not just the ones whose parents appreciate nature. Not only those children of a certain economic class or culture or set of abilities. Every Child. – Richard Louv

Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world but themselves. — Stephen Moss

What is Outdoor Education



户外活动推荐 Upcoming Events


Whitwater Kayaking 白水皮划艇

白水皮划艇活动在Ovens River上开展,沿着河流从上游划到下游,有平静休闲的河段,可以欣赏Ovens River两岸的美景,也有好玩刺激的河段,能够挑战1-2级的激流。 教练会教大家基本的皮划艇技巧,如何读水,选择划艇的路线,带领大家安全的开展活动。 该活动适合初学者,无须经验,需要会游泳。

Canyoning 峡谷探险

活动时长:3-4小时 在专业户外领队的带领下,在风景优美的Mount Buffalo峡谷中穿越,学习安全攀爬技巧,活动中会攀爬进入岩洞,使用绳索和铁线梯子。团队相互协作鼓励,共同完成挑战。 活动适合初学者和各个年龄段的人参与,欢迎6岁以上孩子在成人陪同下参与。

Caving 探洞

探洞是户外活动中体验自然的又一个不同的层次。在自然岩洞中攀爬,充分感受大自然的神奇。 岩洞穿越会经过狭小的空间,光滑的石壁,需要团队的协作和互助,爬过洞穴,攀过小瀑布,也需要灵活的运用身体的各个部位完成穿越活动。如果运气好的话,我们还能看到岩洞里顶上的萤火虫。 该活动适合8岁以上的孩子参加,必须有成人陪同参与,适合有探险精神,并且有一定体力的人参与。

Abseiling 速降

速降活动是一项非常好玩且有挑战性的户外活动。非常适合家庭亲子参与,既能够锻炼孩子的胆量,也同时能够让孩子学习倾听和遵守活动规则,锻炼耐心,走出舒适圈。 这项活动适合初学者,有适合各个年龄段和难度的路线。参加者最小年龄3岁,12岁以下孩子参加活动必须有成人家长陪同参与;孕妇不适宜参加。 参与者有基本的体能即可,该活动对体能要求不高,适合人人参与。